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TYPO3 Support

We are dedicated to ensuring the smooth operation of your websites.

We understand that downtime can be costly for your business, which is why we offer technical support to quickly address any issues that may arise.

With our proactive approach to maintenance and updates, you can rest assured that your website is always up-to-date and secure.

Whether you need regular maintenance and updates or ad-hoc technical support, we are here to help.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your TYPO3 website.

TYPO3 Development

Our team can help you create custom websites that meet the unique needs and requirements of your clients.

We understand that every client is unique, which is why we offer custom development solutions to meet their specific needs.

From basic websites to complex solutions, we can help you!

Don't hesitate to contact us and have a chat about what we can do for you.

TYPO3 Updates

Regular updates for TYPO3 are important to ensure that the website remains secure and protected.

Updates address security vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be exploited by hackers to compromise the website. When a website is hacked, important data can be stolen, altered, or deleted. This can have significant impacts on users and can result in loss of trust and legal consequences.

In particular, when updating TYPO3, the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be taken into account. The GDPR requires companies and organizations to securely protect personal data. If a website is hacked and personal data is stolen, this can result in serious consequences, including high fines.

Let us bring your outdated TYPO3 website to the latest version don't hesitate to contact us for a free quote.

TYPO3 security news:

Official typo3.org security advisories
TYPO3-EXT-SA-2024-005: Multiple vulnerabilities in "Aimeos shop and e-commerce...
18/06 - 2024 Development
It has been discovered that the extension "Aimeos shop and e-commerce framework" (aimeos) is susceptible to Remote Code Execution and Insecure Direct Object Reference.
TYPO3-EXT-SA-2024-004: Broken Access Control in "Integration of Friendly...
18/06 - 2024 Development
It has been discovered that the extension "Integration of Friendly Captcha" (friendlycaptcha_official) is susceptible to Broken Access Control.
TYPO3-EXT-SA-2024-003: Multiple vulnerabilities in "Events 2" (events2)
18/06 - 2024 Development
It has been discovered that the extension "Events 2" (events2) is susceptible to Cache Poisoning, Insecure Direct Object Reference and SQL wildcard injection.
TYPO3-CORE-SA-2024-010: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in...
14/05 - 2024 Development
It has been discovered that TYPO3 CMS is susceptible to denial of service.
TYPO3-CORE-SA-2024-009: Cross-Site Scripting in ShowImageController
14/05 - 2024 Development
It has been discovered that TYPO3 CMS is vulnerable to cross-site scripting.